A college's ethnic diversity is indicated by the student body's equal inclusion of students from different backgrounds . Students at Medvance Institute-Fort Lauderdale are predominantly Black with a sizeable Hispanic population. The school has very high racial diversity. 80% percent of students are minorities or people of color (BIPOC). The ethnic breakdown is detailed in the following table.
Race | Percent of Students |
White |
Black |
Hispanic |
Asian |
American Indian / Alaskan |
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander |
Two or more races |
International |
Race Unknown |
There are more students than students enrolled at Medvance Institute Fort Lauderdale with a gender ratio of . Compared to the US average of 56% female students, Medvance Institute-Fort Lauderdale has a significantly lower gender diversity than other US colleges and is not inclusive of females.
86% of students can be considered low-income as indicated by their receipt of Federal Pell Grant Aid.
Segment | Percent of Students |
Students Over 25 Years Old | 92.5% |
Part time Undergrads | 0% |
Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=443438 IPEDS survey data for Medvance Institute Fort Lauderdale.
Last updated February 24, 2024