Best Eastern Colleges

Ranked list of Colleges and Universities in the East for 2024

There are 744 colleges and universities in the East enrolling 3,139,918 students. Explore the list of top colleges in the East below to begin your college search. The CollegeSimply rankings are objective and data-driven in order to help you find good matches for you. Learn how the Best Colleges rankings are calculated on our ranking methodology page. Whether you're searching for a good public, private or community college, this guide to universities in East offers a comprehensive view to the state's higher education options.

The  East is home to nationally ranked institutions like Princeton University, Harvard University, Yale University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The highest ranked college in the East is Princeton University and the top rated public state college is University of Connecticut.

744 results

List of the Best East Colleges

Barnard College
New York, NY

Barnard College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#19 Best Colleges in the East

  • 3,442enrollment
  • $26,009net price
  • 9%acceptance rate
  • 1440-1550SAT range
  • 32-34ACT range
  • 3.85Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 4

Haverford College
Haverford, PA

Haverford College

Private 4 Year

7 reviews

#20 Best Colleges in the East

  • 1,421enrollment
  • $23,476net price
  • 14%acceptance rate
  • 1430-1540SAT range
  • 33-35ACT range
  • 3.9Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15

New York University
New York, NY

New York University

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#21 Best Colleges in the East

  • 59,144enrollment
  • $29,499net price
  • 12%acceptance rate
  • 1470-1570SAT range
  • 33-35ACT range
  • 3.79Avg GPA

Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA

Swarthmore College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#22 Best Colleges in the East

  • 1,625enrollment
  • $20,715net price
  • 7%acceptance rate
  • 1440-1560SAT range
  • 32-35ACT range
  • 3.9Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 4

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA

Carnegie Mellon University

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

#23 Best Colleges in the East

  • 16,002enrollment
  • $33,499net price
  • 11%acceptance rate
  • 1490-1570SAT range
  • 34-35ACT range
  • 3.89Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Bates College
Lewiston, ME

Bates College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

#24 Best Colleges in the East

  • 1,790enrollment
  • $27,491net price
  • 14%acceptance rate
  • 1420-1520SAT range
  • 32-33ACT range
  • NAAvg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Colby College
Waterville, ME

Colby College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#25 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,299enrollment
  • $16,951net price
  • 8%acceptance rate
  • 1430-1540SAT range
  • 32-34ACT range
  • 3.86Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA

Boston College

Private 4 Year

4 reviews

#26 Best Colleges in the East

  • 15,287enrollment
  • $30,559net price
  • 17%acceptance rate
  • 1435-1540SAT range
  • 33-35ACT range
  • 3.86Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Trinity College
Hartford, CT

Trinity College

Private 4 Year

6 reviews

#27 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,205enrollment
  • $32,704net price
  • 36%acceptance rate
  • 1300-1470SAT range
  • 30-32ACT range
  • 3.8Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 17

Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY

Vassar College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#28 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,459enrollment
  • $30,603net price
  • 19%acceptance rate
  • 1430-1535SAT range
  • 32-34ACT range
  • 3.86Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY

Skidmore College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#29 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,758enrollment
  • $33,389net price
  • 26%acceptance rate
  • 1300-1460SAT range
  • 30-33ACT range
  • 3.75Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15

Yeshiva University
New York, NY

Yeshiva University

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

#30 Best Colleges in the East

  • 6,056enrollment
  • $35,912net price
  • 63%acceptance rate
  • 1250-1500SAT range
  • 26-33ACT range
  • 3.41Avg GPA

Applications Due Feb 1

University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

University of Rochester

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#31 Best Colleges in the East

  • 12,197enrollment
  • $39,775net price
  • 39%acceptance rate
  • 1390-1540SAT range
  • 31-34ACT range
  • 3.75Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 5

Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA

Lehigh University

Private 4 Year

6 reviews

#32 Best Colleges in the East

  • 7,394enrollment
  • $30,453net price
  • 37%acceptance rate
  • 1340-1490SAT range
  • 30-33ACT range
  • 3.81Estimated Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 1

Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA

Franklin and Marshall College

Private 4 Year

6 reviews

#33 Best Colleges in the East

  • 1,990enrollment
  • $31,135net price
  • 36%acceptance rate
  • 1310-1440SAT range
  • 30-33ACT range
  • NAAvg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15

Lafayette College
Easton, PA

Lafayette College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

#34 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,729enrollment
  • $37,186net price
  • 34%acceptance rate
  • 1330-1480SAT range
  • 30-33ACT range
  • 3.53Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15

Villanova University
Villanova, PA

Villanova University

Private 4 Year

4 reviews

#35 Best Colleges in the East

  • 10,383enrollment
  • $34,837net price
  • 23%acceptance rate
  • 1378-1500SAT range
  • 32-34ACT range
  • 3.87Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15

Smith College
Northampton, MA

Smith College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

#36 Best Colleges in the East

  • 2,873enrollment
  • $30,790net price
  • 23%acceptance rate
  • 1370-1520SAT range
  • 31-34ACT range
  • 4.0Avg GPA

Applications Due Jan 15