#2 Best Value Colleges in Delaware

Delaware Tech Location and Distances

Georgetown, Delaware

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Delaware Technical and Community College Owens is located in Georgetown, Delaware;. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

Route 18- Seashore Highway PO Box 610
Georgetown, Delaware
19947 USA

Map of Delaware Tech

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Delaware Tech from nearby towns.

Delaware Technical and Community College Owens distance from Delaware cities
City Distance
George1 miles
Milton8 miles
Ellendale8 miles
Millsboro10 miles
Bridgeville11 miles
Blades11 miles
Seaford11 miles
Greenwood12 miles
Laurel12 miles
Dagsboro14 miles
Bethel14 miles
Long Neck15 miles
Milford15 miles
Farmington15 miles
Lewes15 miles
Frankford15 miles
Houston16 miles
Slaughter Beach16 miles
Delmar17 miles