Public 2 Year

Taft College Location and Distances

Taft, California

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Taft College is located in Taft, California; population 9,327. The campus is in a distant town setting.

29 Emmons Park Drive
Taft, California
93268 USA

Map of Taft College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Taft College from nearby towns.

Taft College distance from California cities
City Distance
Ford City1 miles
Taft Heights1 miles
South Taft1 miles
Valley Acres5 miles
Fellows5 miles
Dustin Acres7 miles
Maricopa7 miles
Derby Acres10 miles
Tupman12 miles
McKittrick14 miles
Cuyama17 miles
Buttonwillow18 miles
New Cuyama19 miles
Rosedale22 miles
Mexican Colony25 miles
Cherokee Strip25 miles
Smith Corner25 miles
Greenacres25 miles