Private 4 Year

Oak Valley College Location and Distances

Rialto, California

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Oak Valley College is located in Rialto, California; population 99,171. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

2759 Ayala Drive
Rialto, California
92377 USA

Map of Oak Valley College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Oak Valley College from nearby towns.

Oak Valley College distance from California cities
City Distance
Muscoy3 miles
Fontana5 miles
San Bernardino6 miles
Bloomington6 miles
Colton8 miles
Crestmore Heights8 miles
Sunnyslope9 miles
Crestline9 miles
Grand Terrace9 miles
Lytle Creek9 miles
Rancho Cucamonga10 miles
Glen Avon11 miles
Highgrove11 miles
Loma Linda11 miles
Rubidoux11 miles
Pedley13 miles
Highland13 miles
Mira Loma14 miles