Public 2 Year

UACCB Location and Distances

Batesville, Arkansas

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University of Arkansas Community College Batesville is located in Batesville, Arkansas; population 10,248. The campus is in a remote town setting.

2005 White Drive
Batesville, Arkansas
72503-3350 USA

Map of UACCB

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to UACCB from nearby towns.

University of Arkansas Community College Batesville distance from Arkansas cities
City Distance
Moorefield3 miles
Sulphur Rock7 miles
Magness10 miles
Cushman10 miles
Newark11 miles
Cave City11 miles
Oil Trough14 miles
Sidney15 miles
Concord16 miles
Mount Pleasant16 miles
Pleasant Plains17 miles
Evening Shade19 miles
Jacksonport20 miles
Guion20 miles
Strawberry20 miles
Campbell Station22 miles
Diaz22 miles
Tuckerman24 miles