Public 4 Year

Athens State University Location and Distances

Athens, Alabama

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Athens State University is located in Athens, Alabama; population 21,897. The campus is in a town fringe setting.

300 N Beaty St
Athens, Alabama
35611 USA

Map of Athens State University

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Athens State University from nearby towns.

Athens State University distance from Alabama cities
City Distance
Elkmont9 miles
Harvest12 miles
Madison13 miles
Mooresville13 miles
Ardmore15 miles
Ardmore15 miles
Trinity16 miles
Decatur16 miles
Lester16 miles
Hillsboro17 miles
Elkton18 miles
Rogersville18 miles
Redstone Arsenal19 miles
Anderson19 miles
Triana19 miles
Minor Hill20 miles
Priceville20 miles
North Courtland21 miles