Colleges Near Coleta

Colleges and universities near me in the Coleta, Illinois area

There are 73 colleges within 100 miles of Coleta enrolling a total of 412,266 students. These are the closest colleges.

Located in Illinois with a population of 164, the closest colleges are ranked below by distance from Coleta. The nearest college is Morrison Institute of Technology in Morrison at a distance of 11.2 miles from Coleta. Driving time to these schools from Coleta should be less than 2 hours. The top rated college in the area is University of Wisconsin Madison in Madison, Wisconsin which is ranked #105 in the nation by CollegeSimply. The largest college in the area is University of Wisconsin Madison enrolling 48,956 students. In terms of affordability, Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore offers the lowest tuition for colleges in the area at $4,290 per year.

This directory is inclusive of nearby two and four year schools, both public and private. If you are looking for more affordable higher education options or not ready for a full four-year program, consider local community colleges near Coleta.

73 results

Purdue Global Cedar Rapids Campus
Cedar Rapids, IA

Purdue Global Cedar Rapids Campus

Private 4 Year

0 reviews


  • 411enrollment
  • -net price
  • 100%acceptance rate
  • -SAT range
  • -ACT range
  • NAAvg GPA

98 miles from Coleta


The closest community college is Sauk Valley Community College and is 12 miles from Coleta. Explore the complete list of nearby community college options.

Tuition and fees at Sauk Valley Community College are $5,070 for local residents for one academic year. Explore full costs to attend.

Sauk Valley Community College has an open admission policy. Open admission colleges typically have few admission thresholds and will admit all applicants so long as certain minimum requirements are met.