There are 21 community or junior colleges within 100 miles of Rentz enrolling a total of 60,437 students. These are the closest colleges.
Located in Georgia with a population of 295, the closest community colleges are ranked below by distance from Rentz. The nearest community college is Southeastern Technical College in Vidalia at a distance of 38.6 miles from Rentz. Driving time to these schools from Rentz should be less than 2 hours. The largest college in the area is Central Georgia Technical College enrolling 9,683 students. In terms of affordability, Middle Georgia Technical College in Warner Robins offers the lowest tuition for community colleges in the area at $1,920 per year.
This list below ranks the local community colleges by proximity. Community colleges traditionally have open admission policies and are easy to get into.
21 results
Public 2 Year
0 reviews
94 miles from Rentz
Public 2 Year
2 reviews
94 miles from Rentz
Public 2 Year
0 reviews
97 miles from Rentz