What are good safety schools in Maryland?

What are good safety schools in Maryland?

Hey everyone, I'm in the process of compiling my college list and need to find some good safety schools in Maryland. I'm already setting my sights on UMBC and Salisbury. Any other recommendations? I'm looking for colleges with strong science programs and a friendly campus vibe.

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Maryland offers several excellent safety schools that combine strong academics with high acceptance rates. Towson University stands out as an ideal safety school choice, with an acceptance rate around 76% and particularly robust programs in the sciences, including biology, chemistry, and environmental science. The campus culture is known for being welcoming and inclusive, with plenty of opportunities for undergraduate research.

Hood College in Frederick provides another strong safety option for science-minded students. With an acceptance rate of approximately 81% and small class sizes, Hood offers personal attention from professors and hands-on laboratory experiences. The school's biology and chemistry departments maintain strong connections with nearby research facilities, creating valuable internship opportunities.

Your current considerations of UMBC and Salisbury University are smart choices. While UMBC can be more competitive for certain programs, Salisbury University, with its acceptance rate of around 75%, offers excellent science programs, particularly in biology and environmental studies. The coastal location provides unique research opportunities in marine science.

Mount St. Mary's University, located in Emmitsburg, represents another solid safety option with an acceptance rate of roughly 79%. The school features strong programs in natural sciences and pre-health professions, combined with a close-knit community atmosphere that many students find appealing.

Stevenson University rounds out the list of Maryland safety schools worth considering. With an acceptance rate of approximately 83% and a strong focus on career preparation, Stevenson offers respected programs in biology, chemistry, and environmental science. The school's location near Baltimore provides access to numerous internship opportunities in the healthcare and research sectors.

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