What are the hardest colleges to get into in Vermont?

What are the hardest colleges to get into in Vermont?

I'm starting to narrow down my college list and Vermont is on my radar. I know about Middlebury, but are there other colleges in Vermont that are really hard to get into? Trying to assess how competitive these schools are so I can plan my applications. Any insights?

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Middlebury College stands as Vermont's most selective institution, with an acceptance rate typically hovering around 15%. As a highly regarded liberal arts college, Middlebury attracts top students from across the globe, particularly those interested in foreign languages, environmental studies, and international relations.

The University of Vermont (UVM) in Burlington represents the second most competitive college in the state, accepting approximately 71% of applicants. While this rate might seem high compared to Middlebury, UVM has become increasingly selective in recent years, especially for popular programs like nursing, engineering, and their renowned medical school track.

Bennington College follows as another selective Vermont institution, accepting roughly 65% of applicants. The college's unique approach to education, featuring student-designed curricula and required winter internships, attracts creative, independent learners who often present strong artistic portfolios alongside their academic credentials.

Saint Michael's College, located near Burlington, maintains moderately selective admissions with an acceptance rate around 75%. Their competitive programs in psychology, business, and biology often attract strong applicants, particularly those interested in undergraduate research opportunities.

When planning your applications, consider that these Vermont schools look beyond just test scores and GPA. They value demonstrated interest, compelling essays, and extracurricular achievements. Middlebury, in particular, seeks students with exceptional academic records and significant leadership experience. For UVM, strong science and math backgrounds can boost your chances in their competitive STEM programs.

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