These are the least selective public and private four-year colleges in Hawaii. These colleges historically accept more than seventy-five percent of students who apply for admission and are ranked by acceptance rate. These are good safety schools for your college list and you should have a good chance on getting in if your grades and test scores are above or within their typical admission thresholds. Just because a school is less selective doesn't mean it's a lesser school academically and easy to get into for all students. Unless a college has guaranteed admission or accepts 100% of applicants, you still need sufficient grades to be accepted.
Use the filters on this page to narrow down the list based on your high school GPA, SAT and ACT scores. Once you do, your estimated admission chance will be displayed for each school. Additionally, you can filter the list by state, region or distance from your home to narrow down the list of colleges that are easiest for you to get into.
See also, the best and popular Hawaii colleges with high acceptance rates. If you're looking for colleges that have easy admission requirements, explore rankings of Hawaii colleges with the lowest SAT scores, lowest ACT scores and lowest GPA's.
7 results
Public 4 Year
0 reviews
Private 4 Year
0 reviews
Private 4 Year
0 reviews
Public 4 Year
1 reviews
Applications Due Jul 1
Private 4 Year
0 reviews
#3 Best Colleges in Hawaii
Public 4 Year
0 reviews
#2 Best Public Universities in Hawaii
Applications Due Jul 1
Private 4 Year
0 reviews
#3 Best Private Colleges in Hawaii
Applications Due Sep 6