Southern Colleges for a 860 on the SAT

Popular colleges to consider with a 860 SAT

Displaying 69 colleges where your 860 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 189 target schools (good chance), 585 reach (harder) schools and 498 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Southern Colleges for a 860 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Morgan State University

Baltimore, MD

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860 to 1080
Texas Southern University

Houston, TX

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800 to 1000
Virginia State University

Petersburg, VA

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800 to 1050
Hampton University

Hampton, VA

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857 to 1226
Savannah State University

Savannah, GA

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845 to 980
Albany State University

Albany, GA

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740 to 900
Prairie View A & M University

Prairie View, TX

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850 to 1030
Winston Salem State University

Winston-Salem, NC

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820 to 1050
Alabama A & M University

Normal, AL

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810 to 1060
Columbus State University

Columbus, GA

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860 to 1100
Norfolk State University

Norfolk, VA

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840 to 1100
Fort Valley State University

Fort Valley, GA

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795 to 920
South Carolina State University

Orangeburg, SC

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800 to 1050
Jackson State University

Jackson, MS

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850 to 1080
Tennessee State University

Nashville, TN

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856 to 1068
Bowie State University

Bowie, MD

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796 to 1083
Delaware State University

Dover, DE

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860 to 1070
Fayetteville State University

Fayetteville, NC

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855 to 1045
Bethune Cookman University

Daytona Beach, FL

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830 to 1000
Saint Augustines College

Raleigh, NC

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780 to 940
Kentucky State University

Frankfort, KY

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820 to 1010
Alcorn State University

Alcorn State, MS

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850 to 998
Huston Tillotson University

Austin, TX

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840 to 1000
Paul Quinn College

Dallas, TX

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855 to 1015
Benedict College

Columbia, SC

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820 to 1010
Southern University and A & M College

Baton Rouge, LA

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798 to 1000
University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Princess Anne, MD

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840 to 1010
Webber International University

Babson Park, FL

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853 to 1060
Elizabeth City State University

Elizabeth City, NC

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850 to 1070
Johnson C Smith University

Charlotte, NC

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800 to 980

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