Midwestern Colleges for a 860 on the SAT

Popular colleges to consider with a 860 SAT

Displaying 29 colleges where your 860 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 75 target schools (good chance), 414 reach (harder) schools and 318 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Midwestern Colleges for a 860 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Central State University

Wilberforce, OH

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770 to 950
Chicago State University

Chicago, IL

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750 to 963
Northeastern Illinois University

Chicago, IL

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810 to 1010
University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls, IA

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860 to 1210
Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL

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820 to 1090
Millikin University

Decatur, IL

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860 to 1170
Goshen College

Goshen, IN

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850 to 1133
Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau, MO

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850 to 1030
Avila University

Kansas City, MO

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800 to 1000
Wright State University Lake Campus

Celina, OH

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790 to 890
Defiance College

Defiance, OH

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860 to 1110
Wilberforce University

Wilberforce, OH

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840 to 940
Rochester College

Rochester Hills, MI

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840 to 1060
Oakland City University

Oakland City, IN

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850 to 1150
York College

York, NE

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845 to 1060
Wilmington College

Wilmington, OH

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860 to 1050
Marian University

Fond Du Lac, WI

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800 to 1080
Rockford University

Rockford, IL

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850 to 1070
Presentation College

Aberdeen, SD

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840 to 1130
Judson University

Elgin, IL

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860 to 1080
William Penn University

Oskaloosa, IA

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830 to 1100
Iowa Wesleyan College

Mount Pleasant, IA

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830 to 1010
Lourdes University

Sylvania, OH

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850 to 1080
Mount Marty College

Yankton, SD

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810 to 1050
Greenville University

Greenville, IL

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811 to 1219
Northern State University

Aberdeen, SD

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800 to 1150
Mercy College of Ohio

Toledo, OH

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850 to 1070
Methodist College of Nursing

Peoria, IL

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800 to 1160
Governors State University

University Park, IL

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830 to 1060

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