Colleges for a 1320 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 1320 SAT

Displaying 292 colleges where your 1320 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 996 target schools (good chance), 171 reach (harder) schools and 3,753 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 1320 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Bennington College

Bennington, VT

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1260 to 1370
John Brown University

Siloam Springs, AR

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1100 to 1390
SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica Rome

Utica, NY

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1040 to 1400
Aquinas College

Nashville, TN

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1100 to 1370
Nazareth College

Rochester, NY

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1140 to 1320
The King's College

New York, NY

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1190 to 1340
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Rapid City, SD

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1160 to 1378
University of Mary

Bismarck, ND

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1096 to 1320
Knox College

Galesburg, IL

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1160 to 1420
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Socorro, NM

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1110 to 1320
Dakota Wesleyan University

Mitchell, SD

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950 to 1420
Roberts Wesleyan College

Rochester, NY

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1150 to 1340
St John's College

Santa Fe, NM

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1250 to 1460
Judson College

Marion, AL

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970 to 1350
Montana Tech of the University of Montana

Butte, MT

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1050 to 1320
Central Bible College

Springfield, Missouri

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1120 to 1350
United States Merchant Marine Academy

Kings Point, NY

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1150 to 1330
Grove City College

Grove City, Pennsylvania

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1130 to 1360
Thomas Jefferson University

Philadelphia, PA

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1130 to 1350
New Saint Andrews College

Moscow, Idaho

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1140 to 1320
Patrick Henry College

Purcellville, Virginia

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1233 to 1440
Florida Polytechnic University

Lakeland, Florida

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1190 to 1370

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