#14 Best Public Universities in Texas

SFASU Ratings and Reviews

Nacogdoches, Texas

 8 Reviews












SFASU is rated within the lower 39% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 4 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated


Student and Parent Reviews

If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Stephen F Austin State University?

Jun 14, 2023
Rating 5 out of 5

Small town feel, food in cafeteria's are not good, dorms are just ok. Lots of activities for those wanting to participate on campus and get plugged in. Honors college is great, mentor program is helpful, tutoring available for those that need it, easy to plug in at SFA unlike the huge over crowded universities. Lots of scholarships for those that apply. No issues with any of my professors. At SFA you can get your ring at 60 credits unlike other universities at 90 credits. beautiful campus with national park close by.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jun 21, 2021
Rating 4 out of 5

I graduated from SFA in 2007. The facilities have improved vastly over the past 14 years. There are renovations and new buildings all over the campus. The Rec Center, Student Union Center, and Science/Engineering buildings are key features to the campus. The Basketball complex is getting some new additions to their facility as well. So improvements have been made to the University's physical layout.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Apr 16, 2021
Rating 5 out of 5

Great experience at SFA, great value, classes were just the right size, and the campus is beautiful. There are not as many experiences for African American students outside of the campus activities. Perfect for someone who is comfortable with a small town with limited entertainment options.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jan 5, 2021
Rating 5 out of 5

I had an amazing experience at SFASU, and I now make over 6 digits. It is a small town, safe college, with an absolutely beautiful campus. There is plenty to do with good friends and some fun bars. I was never bored, got a good education that didn't kill me on loans, and I am successful as a graduate.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Mar 12, 2020
Rating 5 out of 5

SFA is an outstanding small-town school. The only/major drawback is the overuse of foreign Grad Students who are really not so qualified as to be a fill-in professor. Their culture and language skills are a detriment to College studies. I.E. if they don't speak English and/or have the mastery of the subject matter, then don't allow them in the position. Bottom line, If I had to do it over again, Hands Down!! SFASU

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jan 22, 2019
Rating 4 out of 5

It is a wonderful campus that is small enough to feel like home but large enough to have social options.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jan 16, 2018
Rating 1 out of 5

Stephen F. Austin is a great small-town school for any and everyone aspiring to achieve success in their schooling. With numerous resources available including a free tutoring service, SFA offers the best opportunities to the best students. Known for its nursing, education, and music programs, SFA offers many majors and minors for any and every interest and each professor?s dream is for one of their students to make it big! Could the next one be you?

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jul 17, 2017
Rating 1 out of 5

Don't trust this school financially, don't trust the faculty. My wife has had constant trouble with the school. The advisors don't do their job, the billing office is full of idiots.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Rate Stephen F Austin State University

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