Public 2 Year

Galveston College Location and Distances

Galveston, Texas

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Galveston College is located in Galveston, Texas; population 47,743. The campus is in a small city setting.

4015 Ave Q
Galveston, Texas
77550-7496 USA

Map of Galveston College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Galveston College from nearby towns.

Galveston College distance from Texas cities
City Distance
Tiki Island6 miles
Bayou Vista8 miles
Texas City12 miles
Hitchcock12 miles
Jamaica Beach12 miles
La Marque13 miles
San Leon16 miles
Bacliff19 miles
Dickinson19 miles
Santa Fe19 miles
Bolivar Peninsula20 miles
Kemah21 miles
Clear Lake Shores23 miles
League City23 miles
Seabrook24 miles
El Lago24 miles
Nassau Bay25 miles
Taylor Lake Village25 miles