#52 Best Private Colleges in Pennsylvania

Point Park University Ratings and Reviews

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

 2 Reviews












Point Park University is rated within the lower 43% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 5 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated


Student and Parent Reviews

If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Point Park University?

Aug 1, 2022
Rating 5 out of 5

I enrolled while working a full-time job with my only goal to acquire a BSEET technology degree through credit transfers and night/weekend classes. I earned half of my credits through transfer and then took between one and three classes each semester for two years to achieve my goal. All instructors were excellent and the commute and access to downtown parking easy. The degree removed a major hurdle to my career advancement and my income doubled within five years. A friend with the same goal and I commuted a hundred miles one way from below Wheeling WV which made the whole experience a lot easier. I recently retired as a Director of Engineering - Control Systems after 31 years working for a major engineering firm. I had no interest and therefore no opinion on the Housing, Student Life or Party and Bar Scene but safety, atmosphere, professors and academics were excellent.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Sep 10, 2020
Rating 1 out of 5

Don?t go here. They?re super overpriced for what it is and don?t care about students. (It?s private but looks like an abandoned community college) There?s a quick turnaround time for both students and faculty. If you?re considering dance than it may be good for you because that?s where all of the funding goes but if you?re going for something else look elsewhere. Professors are underpaid and under appreciated and quit or ?leave? very often. I told myself I?d never transfer before going to college but they?ve pretty much abandoned my program leaving me no choice.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
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