LVC is rated within the top 37% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 7 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Lebanon Valley College?
The academics at LVC, especially in the sciences, were top notch. The experiences I had there, including summer research and presentations at local and regional science meetings, prepared me very well for graduate school. I was not big on the party scene, so a small town was a great environment for me. Hockey games in Hershey, restaurants and shopping nearby, it was great. And a great little pizza shop downtown.
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Annville is a small town with not much to do. There are fast food and sit-in restaurants within a 5-15 drive from LVC including Chipotle, Panera, Popeyes, Texas Roadhouse, and Longhorn. There are more restaurants and attractions in Hershey which is approximately a 20-minute drive from campus. If you are looking for a party school, LVC is not for you. They do, however, have good academic programs. The athletics are not incredible, but attending the games is still a fun activity and atmosphere.
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |