#6 Best Public Universities in North Dakota

Dickinson State University

Dickinson, North Dakota

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Dickinson State University overview
Location Dickinson, North Dakota
Online dickinsonstate.com
School Type Public 4 Year
Setting Remote Town
Dickinson State University overview
Size Small
Status Non-profit
On Campus Housing Yes
Level of Study Undergrad
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Dickinson State University is located in the southwestern North Dakota city of Dickinson, situated in the Badlands region approximately 100 miles west of Bismarck. The public institution occupies a residential campus spanning 128 acres and serves as a primary higher education center for western North Dakota. The university maintains a comprehensive academic program with particular strength in business, education, and natural sciences, while also offering specialized programs in agriculture and energy resource management that reflect the region's economic priorities. Operating as part of the North Dakota University System, DSU provides on-campus housing in six residence halls and competes in NAIA athletics as the Blue Hawks. The campus features a mix of historic and modern facilities, including the May Hall, which was constructed in 1924 and serves as the university's main administrative building.












DSU is rated within the lower 43% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 5 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated


Rankings for Dickinson State University within the 2024 CollegeSimply Best Colleges Lists.

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Getting In

Admission Standards

Extremely Easy
Dickinson State University overview
SAT 875/1130
ACT 16/21
GPA 3.11

Applications Accepted

Dickinson State University overview
Applications Due -
Applicant Competition Low
Application Fee $35

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Annual Cost to Attend

North Dakota Resident Tuition

In State Costs for Dickinson State University
Fee Cost
Books and Supplies$1,200
Other Fees$1,648
Room and Board $7,740
Budget for Other Expenses$3,500
Total One Year Cost$21,558

Out of State Resident Tuition

Out of State Costs for Dickinson State University
Fee Cost
Books and Supplies$1,200
Other Fees$1,648
Room and Board $7,740
Budget for Other Expenses$3,500
Total One Year Cost$23,658

Tuition and financial aid details


Average Salary After 10 Years

$46,800 per year

Bachelor's Degree Graduation Rate

26% within 6 years

Explore Post Graduation Outcomes

Popular Areas of Study

Popular subjects studied by Dickinson State University students
Subject Percent of Class
Business 42%
Education 10%
Communication 9%
Health Professions 9%
General Studies 7%

View All 40 Majors

Questions and Answers

CollegeSimply Advisor posts about Dickinson State University.

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=200059 IPEDS survey data for Dickinson State University.

Current students may use the Dickinson State University GPA calculator to determine their current college GPA.

Last updated February 24, 2024