#7 Best Private Colleges in New York

Vassar Student Outcomes

Poughkeepsie, New York

 1 Reviews

Graduation Rate

Percent of students graduating within 150% of normal completion time
91% vs. 41.9% national median
Graduation Rates for Vassar College
Years Percent Earning Bachelor's Degree
within 4 years 88% earned a bachelor degree
within 5 years 90% earned a bachelor degree
within 6 years 91% earned a bachelor degree

A college's graduation rate is a strong indication of its effectiveness and your potential to find success at a school. These statistics measure the percentage of first-time, full-time students who earned a bachelor degree within four, five or six years from Vassar College. For comparison, approximately 58% of starting students nationally earn a bachelor's degree within six years. Vassar College is more effective than average at successfully graduating students.

Post Graduation Earnings

Average Salary After 10 Years
$58,400 vs. $34,300 national median
Average salary after attending Vassar College
Years Average Earnings
after 6 years $37,600 per year
after 7 years $43,300 per year
after 8 years $46,200 per year
after 9 years $51,200 per year
after 10 years $58,400 per year

10 years after enrolling, the average income of former Vassar College students who are working and no longer in school is $58,400, which is 70% higher than the national median. Sources, U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard / Department of Treasury.

View Starting Salaries by Major

Student Loan Debt Upon Graduation

Median Student Loan Debt for Graduates
Percent of students receiving Federal Loans

Student Loan Repayment

Median Loan Payment
$163 per month
Percent of students actively repaying their loans
92% vs. 47% national average

If you are having trouble affording your Vassar student loan debt, explore your options.

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=197133 IPEDS survey data for Vassar College.

Last updated February 24, 2024