#18 Best Public Universities in New York

SUNY Brockport Salaries

Brockport, New York

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Salaries by Major at SUNY College at Brockport

How much money do SUNY College at Brockport graduates make and which majors earn the most upon graduating? Six years after enrolling, alumni who are working have average earnings of $34,200 per year. After ten years, graduates earn $44,000 on average.

In terms of specific areas of study, the following is a ranking of degree programs by the median first-year starting salaries for SUNY Brockport graduates.

The undergraduate degree which initially pays the highest is Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing with a median starting salary of $62,000 followed by Computer and Information Sciences paying $46,300 and Accounting and Related Services graduates who have a median starting income of $40,100 .

Looking at post-graduate and doctorate students, those completing the Educational Administration and Supervision (Graduate/Professional Certificate) program rank first with a median initial income of $71,700 followed by Social Work (Master's Degree) at $44,800 and Curriculum and Instruction (Master's Degree) who earn $44,100 .

Note about salary data: First year earnings data are aggregated by the US Department of Education and analyzes IRS reported income for SUNY College at Brockport graduates who received federal financial aid in the form of grants or loans. Not all graduates or fields of study are represented as data for some degree programs are omitted for privacy purposes.

Median first-year earnings for SUNY College at Brockport graduates ranked by degree type and major
Major Earnings
Educational Administration and Supervision (Graduate/Professional Certificate) $71,700
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing (Bachelor’s Degree) $62,000
Computer and Information Sciences (Bachelor’s Degree) $46,300
Social Work (Master's Degree) $44,800
Curriculum and Instruction (Master's Degree) $44,100
Student Counseling and Personnel Services (Master's Degree) $43,700
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas (Master's Degree) $42,700
Public Administration (Master's Degree) $42,300
Accounting and Related Services (Bachelor’s Degree) $40,100
Business Administration, Management and Operations (Bachelor’s Degree) $37,300
Finance and Financial Management Services (Bachelor’s Degree) $37,300
Marketing (Bachelor’s Degree) $36,300
Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences (Bachelor’s Degree) $35,200
Biology (Bachelor’s Degree) $31,900
Health and Physical Education/Fitness (Bachelor’s Degree) $31,100
Criminal Justice and Corrections (Bachelor’s Degree) $31,100
Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management (Bachelor’s Degree) $30,800
Social Work (Bachelor’s Degree) $30,200
Education (Bachelor’s Degree) $29,700
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas (Bachelor’s Degree) $29,600
Psychology (Bachelor’s Degree) $29,200
English Language and Literature (Bachelor’s Degree) $28,900
Political Science and Government (Bachelor’s Degree) $28,600
Communication and Media Studies (Bachelor’s Degree) $28,400
Sociology (Bachelor’s Degree) $28,200
Journalism (Bachelor’s Degree) $26,600
History (Bachelor’s Degree) $26,200
Fine and Studio Arts (Bachelor’s Degree) $23,900
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology (Bachelor’s Degree) $23,800
Dance (Bachelor’s Degree) $22,600

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=196121 IPEDS survey and College Scorecard data for SUNY College at Brockport.