University of Nevada-Reno is rated within the top 41% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 6 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to University of Nevada Reno?
Really a great manageable city with tons of things to do. Nice weather and some snow in the winter.
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Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |
Great medium sized city with tons to do. Great parks, close to Lake Tahoe and tasty BBQ places. There are more than a dozen BIG events per year so what's not to like
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |
There are many food options on campus and another dozen a block away. Dorms are great for meeting people & getting to class on time. Go Wolf Pack!
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |
LLC dorms are the best unless STEM is your thing & they have a dorm for you. The food courts give you options. Movies are inside theJoe and outside in summer.
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |