Public 2 Year

NMC Location and Distances

Traverse City, Michigan

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Northwestern Michigan College is located in Traverse City, Michigan; population 14,674. The campus is in a remote town setting.

1701 E Front St
Traverse City, Michigan
49686 USA

Map of NMC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to NMC from nearby towns.

Northwestern Michigan College distance from Michigan cities
City Distance
Greilickville4 miles
Chums Corner7 miles
Grawn9 miles
Cedar12 miles
Interlochen12 miles
Hardwood Acres12 miles
Elk Rapids13 miles
Kingsley13 miles
Lake Ann13 miles
Maple Grove14 miles
Maple City15 miles
Suttons Bay15 miles
Rapid City15 miles
Bendon16 miles
Lake Leelanau16 miles
Alden17 miles
South Boardman17 miles
Fife Lake18 miles