#3 Best Private Colleges in Michigan

Hope College Ratings and Reviews

Holland, Michigan

 4 Reviews












Hope College is rated within the top 35% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 7 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated


Student and Parent Reviews

If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Hope College?

Aug 8, 2022
Rating 5 out of 5

Hope College was transformational for my life. My opportunities for personal growth were limitless. No school is perfect, but Hope was close for me.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jul 15, 2020
Rating 4 out of 5

Hi! I am currently going to be a sophomore so these are my thoughts on Hope. If you come from a very diverse high school like I did it will be difficult to adjust to the change that this school is very white. While I did have some racist encounters with students it was not many. But I will say that this school does indeed care about its students. I had a problem with my first res hall and actually was able to move to a new dorm and building relatively fast. Their concern for me was amazing and the move was def a step up and made me enjoy the college experience even more. If you are a POC or any minority I def recommend you do the Phelps Scholars Program. You get to live in Scott Hall (which is where I ended up moving too) and it is just amazing. It is probably the most diverse dorm on campus because everyone who is in there are people who come from different backgrounds. So I def recommend you live there if you are used to a diverse background. I wish I had more space to type....

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Jan 25, 2019
Rating 1 out of 5

This school sucks your creative energy leaving you a depressed, husk of a person. This is only the case if you're confident, smart, and willing to have difficult conversations. Seriously, if you're black, latino, trans, gay, or even a smart, cis-gendered male avoid this place and the plague. Honestly, you're better off going your local community college.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
Feb 20, 2017
Rating 5 out of 5

Attended with goal of matriculating into medical school. Did that and so much more. Forged my faith, met my wife, played in several bands, recorded an album and made life long friendships. It is an excellent school in many fields. Noteworthy is that is ranks 4th in the US for NSF grants behind Stanford, U of M and one other school, MIT I believe. And only 10 minutes from Lake Michigan. What is not to love.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
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