Calvin University is rated within the top 37% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 7 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Calvin University?
My son graduated from Calvin in 2017. His choice to attend Calvin was one of the wisest decisions he made. His major was biochemistry. He was also a student athlete as a runner for Calvin. This University ( 2019-2020) is an amazing institution of higher education. Student to faculty ratio, environment that stresses diversity and supports a high degree of integrity , a great place to grow as a young adult. Calvin is not a party school. Calvin prepared my son to move into his chosen career. He is currently in his 4th year of a 5 year PhD program in Medicinal Chemistry on a fully funded PhD at the University of Michigan. Based on his undergraduate degree he had four full ride offers for PhD programs, including the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota. He had a great four years at Calvin and has made life long friends. Calvin is in a great location in Grand Rapids for midwestern travel to campus.
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