Quincy University is rated within the lower 48% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 5 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Quincy University?
Do not get sucked in by the athletics. They recruit way above and beyond what they need for the team. Football has over 150 players, women's VB 33, men's BB, 65+, etc.... They over recruit because they need the tuition money to keep the university open. Sprint football, swimming and others are all new sports. They need the tuition $$.
Overall Rating | |
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Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |
If you have a choice between this school and another choose the other, you do no get your money worth especially education wise. The staff and school do not do well with communicate with students and it has lead to many students not graduating on time. As there is no guidance and many are left to fend for themselves even after asking for help. Not to mention the school has raised tuition twice and will rise a third in a span of 3 years.
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |
Great four years!
Overall Rating | |
Academics | |
Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
Campus Atmosphere | |
Housing | |
Campus Safety | |
Dating and Social Life | |
Party and Bar Scene |