Private 4 Year

Columbia College Salaries

Chicago, Illinois

 1 Reviews

Salaries by Major at Columbia College Chicago

How much money do Columbia College Chicago graduates make and which majors earn the most upon graduating? Six years after enrolling, alumni who are working have average earnings of $28,600 per year. After ten years, graduates earn $37,300 on average.

In terms of specific areas of study, the following is a ranking of degree programs by the median first-year starting salaries for Columbia College graduates.

The undergraduate degree which initially pays the highest is Business Administration, Management and Operations with a median starting salary of $34,400 followed by Marketing paying $34,300 and American Sign Language graduates who have a median starting income of $30,000 .

Looking at post-graduate and doctorate students, those completing the Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies (Master's Degree) program rank first with a median initial income of $39,600 followed by Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management (Master's Degree) at $36,000 and Film/Video and Photographic Arts (Master's Degree) who earn $32,000 .

Note about salary data: First year earnings data are aggregated by the US Department of Education and analyzes IRS reported income for Columbia College Chicago graduates who received federal financial aid in the form of grants or loans. Not all graduates or fields of study are represented as data for some degree programs are omitted for privacy purposes.

Median first-year earnings for Columbia College Chicago graduates ranked by degree type and major
Major Earnings
Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies (Master's Degree) $39,600
Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management (Master's Degree) $36,000
Business Administration, Management and Operations (Bachelor’s Degree) $34,400
Marketing (Bachelor’s Degree) $34,300
Film/Video and Photographic Arts (Master's Degree) $32,000
American Sign Language (Bachelor’s Degree) $30,000
Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication (Bachelor’s Degree) $29,900
Journalism (Bachelor’s Degree) $28,900
Design and Applied Arts (Bachelor’s Degree) $27,200
Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians (Bachelor’s Degree) $26,300
Graphic Communications (Bachelor’s Degree) $25,600
Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management (Bachelor’s Degree) $25,600
Radio, Television, and Digital Communication (Bachelor’s Degree) $23,300
Film/Video and Photographic Arts (Bachelor’s Degree) $21,700
Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft (Bachelor’s Degree) $20,700
Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies (Bachelor’s Degree) $20,000
Fine and Studio Arts (Bachelor’s Degree) $19,700
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other (Bachelor’s Degree) $19,600
Dance (Bachelor’s Degree) $19,200
Music (Bachelor’s Degree) $18,200

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=144281 IPEDS survey and College Scorecard data for Columbia College Chicago.