Public 4 Year

St Petersburg College Location and Distances

Largo, Florida

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St Petersburg College is located in Largo, Florida; population 77,648. The campus is in a small city setting.

6021 142nd Ave
Largo, Florida
33760 USA

Map of St Petersburg College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to St Petersburg College from nearby towns.

St Petersburg College distance from Florida cities
City Distance
South Highpoint1 miles
Feather Sound2 miles
Pinellas Park3 miles
Bardmoor4 miles
Ridgecrest5 miles
West Lealman6 miles
Seminole6 miles
Kenneth City6 miles
Lealman6 miles
Clearwater6 miles
Belleair6 miles
Belleair Bluffs6 miles
Harbor Bluffs7 miles
Bay Pines7 miles
Safety Harbor7 miles
Belleair Beach8 miles
Indian Rocks Beach8 miles
Belleair Shore8 miles