Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro vs. Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo

Should I go to Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro or Lincoln College of Technology Toledo? Compare 50+ facts and figures about the colleges to help you determine if Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro or Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo is the better college for you. The CollegeSimply comparison tool allows side-by-side comparison of 50+ statistics and facts for over 2,500 colleges and universities.

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Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro vs. Lincoln College of Technology Toledo comparison
Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro Lincoln College of Technology Toledo College 3 College 4
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Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Location Springboro, OH Toledo, Ohio
Setting Rural Fringe Large City
Enrollment 33
Type Private 2 Year Private 2 Year
National Ranking
Religious Affiliation - - - -
Status For-profit For-profit
Team Colors                    


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Tuition (In State) $10,440 $11,895
Tuition (Out of State) $10,440 $11,895
Room & Board $8,785 $9,245
Avg Net Price - $22,119
Avg Grant Aid $0 $0
% Receiving Grant Aid 0% 0%


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Admission Chances Calculate Calculate
Applied - -
Admitted - -
Acceptance Rate Open Open
Enrolled % Open Open
Avg High School GPA - -
Typical High School Grades - -
Admissions Standards Unavailable Unavailable
Applicant Competition
ACT Range
SAT Range
Submit Test Scores Not applicable Not applicable
Application Deadline


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Student to Faculty Ratio 0:1 0:1
Popular Majors
  • Health Professions (75%)
  • Personal and Culinary Services (14%)
  • Business (7%)
  • Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting (4%)
  • Health Professions (100%)
  • Business (0%)


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Graduation Rate - -
Median Earnings (After 10 years) $26,500 N/A
Making Student Loan Payments 29% -
Median Student Loan Debt $24,167 N/A
Median Loan Payment $249 N/A


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
% Men 0% NaN
% Women 0% NaN
Racial Diversity Low -
% White 76% 0%
% Black 11% 0%
% Hispanic 6% 0%
% Native American 2% 0%
% Pacific Islander 0% 0%
% Two or More Races 1% 0%
% International 0% 0%
% Unknown Race 2% 0%


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
% In-State - -
% Out-of-State - -


Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo
Campus Housing No No
Freshman Dorm Required No No
Meal Plan No No
Weekend/Evening Classes Yes No
Daycare Facility No No
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Comparable Facts

  • Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro is larger than than Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo based on total student enrollment (33 students vs. 0 students)

Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro vs. Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo Cost Comparison

Which college is more expensive, Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro or Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo?

  • Lincoln College of Technology Toledo is 13.9% more expensive to attend than Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro for in-state tuition ($11,895.00 vs. $10,440.00)
  • Out of state tuition is 13.9% higher at Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo than Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro ($11,895.00 vs. $10,440.00)
  • Living costs (room and board or off-campus housing budget) at Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro are 5.2% lower than costs at Lincoln College of Technology Toledo ($8,785 vs. $9,245)
  • The same percent of students receive financial grant aid at Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro as Lincoln College of Technology Toledo (0% vs. 0%)
  • The average total grant financial aid received by Miami Jacobs Career College Springboro students is NaN larger than aid received Lincoln College of Technology Toledo ($0 vs. $0)

Which college is harder to get into, Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro or Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo? Average SAT and ACT scores plus acceptance rates offer good insight into the difficulty of admission between Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo or Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro .

Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro vs. Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo Graduation Outcomes Comparison

Which is better, Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro or Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo? Graduation rate, salary and amount of student loan debt are indicators of a college which offers better outcomes for its graduates. Compare the following outcomes facts between Lincoln College of Technology-Toledo and Miami-Jacobs Career College-Springboro.

Sources: U.S. Department of Education IPEDS and College Scorecard