Louisburg College Comparison

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Louisburg College
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Louisburg College
Location Louisburg, NC
Setting Distant Town
Enrollment 413
Type Private 2 Year
National Ranking
Religious Affiliation United Methodist
Status Non-profit
Website louisburg.edu
Team Colors          


Louisburg College
Tuition (In State) $19,928
Tuition (Out of State) $19,928
Room & Board $12,832
Avg Net Price $25,326
Avg Grant Aid $11,487
% Receiving Grant Aid 100%


Louisburg College
Admission Chances Calculate
Applied 830
Admitted 266
Acceptance Rate 32%
Enrolled % 100%
Avg High School GPA 2.34
Typical High School Grades C+
Admissions Standards Unavailable
Applicant Competition High
ACT Range
SAT Range
Submit Test Scores Not considered for admission, even if submitted (Test Blind)
Application Deadline


Louisburg College
Student to Faculty Ratio 15:1
Popular Majors
  • Liberal Arts and Humanities (80%)
  • Business (13%)
  • Biology (7%)


Louisburg College
Graduation Rate -
Median Earnings (After 10 years) $29,400
Making Student Loan Payments 22%
Median Student Loan Debt $16,000
Median Loan Payment $165


Louisburg College
% Men 22%
% Women 9%
Racial Diversity High
% White 24%
% Black 59%
% Hispanic 0%
% Native American 1%
% Pacific Islander 0%
% Two or More Races 4%
% International 0%
% Unknown Race 10%


Louisburg College
% In-State 73%
% Out-of-State 24%


Louisburg College
Campus Housing Yes
Freshman Dorm Required No
Meal Plan Yes
Weekend/Evening Classes No
Daycare Facility No
Learn More Details

Sources: U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov IPEDS and College Scorecard https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/