Public 2 Year

Yavapai College Location and Distances

Prescott, Arizona

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Yavapai College is located in Prescott, Arizona; population 39,843. The campus is in a small city setting.

1100 E Sheldon St
Prescott, Arizona
86301 USA

Map of Yavapai College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Yavapai College from nearby towns.

Yavapai College distance from Arizona cities
City Distance
Prescott Valley9 miles
Dewey-Humboldt12 miles
Williamson12 miles
Wilhoit13 miles
Chino Valley14 miles
Mayer15 miles
Spring Valley22 miles
Paulden24 miles
Jerome24 miles
Cordes Lakes26 miles
Peeples Valley26 miles
Clarkdale26 miles
Yarnell28 miles
Cottonwood28 miles
Verde Village29 miles
Cornville34 miles
Camp Verde34 miles
Congress36 miles