There are 1 ranked public colleges within the Raleigh city limits and 3 public colleges within a 50 mile radius. Area colleges collectively enroll a total of 77,522 students. If you're looking for a large school, North Carolina State University at Raleigh enrolls the most students with 7,965 currently taking classes. In terms of affordability, North Carolina Central University offers the lowest tuition for public colleges in the Raleigh area at $3,728 per year.
The top rated public college in the area is University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill which is ranked #60 in the nation by CollegeSimply.
The Raleigh area is home to popular nationally ranked public institutions like University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University at Raleigh.
3 results
Public 4 Year
2 reviews
#2 Best Public Universities in America
Applications Due Jan 15
24 miles from Raleigh
Public 4 Year
4 reviews
#20 Best Public Universities in America
Applications Due Jan 15
4 miles from Raleigh
Public 4 Year
1 reviews
#15 Best Public Universities in North Carolina
Applications Due Aug 1
17 miles from Raleigh