Is Stanford University Test Optional?

Is Stanford University Test Optional?

Can anyone tell me if Stanford is really test optional this year? I've already sent in my SAT scores, but now I'm hearing that maybe I didn't have to. Want to make sure I'm doing everything right before submitting my application.

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Stanford University is test optional for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 admission cycles, which means you are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of your application. This policy allows applicants to decide whether they want their standardized test scores to be considered during the admission process. If you've already sent your scores, don't worry - they will be reviewed as part of your application if you choose to keep them.

When applying to Stanford, you'll need to indicate in your application whether you want your test scores to be considered. If you select "no," the admissions team will not look at your scores even if they were previously sent. This gives you control over how your application is evaluated, regardless of whether scores are on file.

Stanford's test optional policy means the admissions team takes a holistic review approach, focusing on academic excellence through grades, course rigor, and other achievements. They consider factors like your extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, and unique circumstances. If you're unsure about including your test scores, consider whether they strengthen your overall application and reflect your academic abilities.

While Stanford remains test optional, they still accept and consider scores from students who choose to submit them. The university emphasizes that students who don't submit test scores will not be at a disadvantage in the application process. The admissions team is experienced in evaluating applications both with and without standardized test scores, ensuring a fair review process for all applicants.

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