Benefits of submitting a SAT superscore to UCLA?

Benefits of submitting a SAT superscore to UCLA?

Wondering about the benefits of submitting my SAT superscore to UCLA versus just my highest composite score. Will it really make that much difference in their evaluation?

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Submitting SAT superscores to UCLA actually won't impact your application because UCLA does not consider superscores in their admissions process. UCLA specifically looks at your highest composite SAT score from a single test date rather than combining your best section scores from different dates. This means sending your superscore won't give you any additional advantage in the admissions process.

When evaluating your SAT scores, UCLA's admissions officers will automatically consider your highest total score achieved in one sitting. For example, if you scored 1300 (650 Math, 650 Reading) in March and 1280 (700 Math, 580 Reading) in May, UCLA will use the 1300 from March, even if your theoretical superscore would be higher by combining the 700 Math and 650 Reading.

You can still submit multiple SAT scores to UCLA, and there's no penalty for doing so. The admissions team will simply pick out your highest composite score and use that in their evaluation. Your application will be considered alongside other factors including your GPA, coursework rigor, extracurricular activities, and personal insight questions.

Instead of focusing on superscoring, concentrate on achieving your best possible score in a single test sitting. Consider retaking the SAT if you think you can significantly improve your overall composite score. Remember that while test scores are important, they're just one component of UCLA's comprehensive review process for admission.

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