How does test-optional affect applications at Baylor?

How does test-optional affect applications at Baylor?

If Baylor University is test-optional, should I still submit my SAT score if it's above average? Could it strengthen my application or am I better off not including it?

|1 answer

Baylor University's test-optional policy gives you the flexibility to decide whether submitting your SAT scores will strengthen your application. When your SAT scores are above Baylor's average (which typically ranges from 1200-1380), submitting them can enhance your application and potentially increase your chances of admission.

Test-optional at Baylor means you won't be penalized for not submitting scores, but strong test results can provide additional evidence of your academic abilities. Admissions officers will holistically review your application, considering your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and other factors regardless of whether you submit test scores.

Submitting above-average SAT scores can particularly benefit your application by demonstrating your academic preparedness for college-level work. These scores may also qualify you for merit-based scholarships at Baylor, as standardized test scores are often considered in scholarship decisions even under test-optional policies.

When deciding whether to submit your scores to Baylor, consider how they align with your overall academic profile. If your SAT scores are consistent with or higher than your GPA and academic achievements, including them can reinforce your academic strengths. However, if your scores don't reflect your true academic abilities, you might choose to focus on other aspects of your application.

Remember that test-optional doesn't mean test-blind. Baylor will consider your scores if you choose to submit them, but they won't disadvantage your application if you don't. With above-average scores, submitting them typically provides an additional advantage in both the admissions process and scholarship consideration.

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