What are Stanford's admission requirements?

What are Stanford's admission requirements?

I'm a junior in high school, and Stanford is my dream school. I want to know more about their admission requirements. Do they have a minimum GPA or specific courses I need to have? Any current or former Stanford students willing to share what's really important in their application process?

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Stanford University takes a holistic approach to admissions, carefully evaluating each applicant's academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, and personal qualities. While Stanford doesn't set strict minimum requirements for GPA or test scores, most admitted students typically rank in the top 10% of their high school class with unweighted GPAs above 3.9.

The recommended high school curriculum for Stanford includes four years of English, four years of mathematics through calculus, three to four years of laboratory science, three to four years of history and social studies, three or more years of the same foreign language, and several electives in areas that interest you. These courses should be at the most challenging level available at your school, whether that's honors, AP, IB, or dual enrollment.

Stanford no longer requires SAT or ACT scores for admission, making these tests optional through the 2023-2024 admission cycle. However, they do require you to submit scores from two SAT Subject Tests if you choose to submit standardized test scores. Letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors play a crucial role in the admission process, as they provide insights into your academic performance, intellectual curiosity, and character.

Beyond academics, Stanford values students who demonstrate intellectual vitality, exceptional creativity, and meaningful engagement in their communities. Your extracurricular activities should show dedication, leadership, and impact rather than just participation in numerous activities. The admissions committee looks for students who will contribute to the campus community and make a positive difference in the world.

Your personal essays are particularly important in Stanford's application process. These essays give you the opportunity to share your unique perspective, experiences, and aspirations. Focus on authentic stories that reveal your character, values, and what drives you. Stanford wants to understand who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

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