How does Northwestern's study abroad compare to other Big 10 schools?

How does Northwestern's study abroad compare to other Big 10 schools?

I've got Northwestern on my list, and I'm curious how their study abroad options stack up against other Big 10 schools. I really want a school with strong international opportunities.

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Northwestern University offers exceptional study abroad opportunities that generally exceed those of other Big 10 schools in terms of program variety and student participation rates. The university sends approximately 35-40% of its undergraduate students abroad annually, which is notably higher than the Big 10 average of around 25%. Northwestern stands out by offering more than 150 study abroad programs across 50 countries, while most Big 10 schools typically maintain between 70-100 international program options.

Northwestern's study abroad programs distinguish themselves through strong integration with major requirements, allowing students to stay on track for graduation while gaining international experience. Unlike some Big 10 counterparts, Northwestern permits students to apply their full financial aid package to study abroad expenses, making international study more accessible. The university also offers special programming in less common destinations, particularly in Asia and Africa, whereas many other Big 10 schools focus primarily on European locations.

The Global Learning Office at Northwestern provides comprehensive support services that surpass those of many peer institutions. Students receive extensive pre-departure preparation, on-site support, and post-return integration assistance. Northwestern also offers unique exchange partnerships with prestigious international universities that aren't available through other Big 10 schools, particularly in places like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia.

Another advantage of Northwestern's program is its flexibility in timing. While many Big 10 schools limit study abroad to junior year, Northwestern students can study abroad as early as sophomore year and as late as senior fall, depending on their academic plans. The university also offers more short-term study abroad options during breaks and summer sessions compared to most Big 10 institutions, making international experience accessible even for students in demanding majors like engineering or pre-med.

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