What are some good safety schools in Pennsylvania?

What are some good safety schools in Pennsylvania?

Hey everyone! I'm on the hunt for some solid safety schools in Pennsylvania. I've got my sights set high with Penn State and Pitt as my target and reach schools, but I want to make sure I have some safe options lined up just in case. Any recommendations or experiences with the safety schools in that area? Thanks a ton!

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When looking for safety schools in Pennsylvania, consider Bloomsburg University, which accepts around 88% of applicants and typically admits students with GPAs above 3.0. The university offers strong programs in business, nursing, and education, making it an excellent backup option for students interested in these fields.

Lock Haven University serves as another reliable safety school choice, with an acceptance rate over 90% and moderate academic requirements. Located in central Pennsylvania, Lock Haven provides quality education in health sciences, criminal justice, and sports administration at a reasonable cost.

Shippensburg University stands out as a safety school option with its welcoming admission policies and diverse academic programs. With an acceptance rate of approximately 85%, Shippensburg offers strong business, psychology, and education programs while maintaining affordable tuition rates for Pennsylvania residents.

Mansfield University represents another accessible option with its high acceptance rate and supportive learning environment. The school particularly excels in music education, criminal justice, and nursing programs. Its smaller campus size ensures personalized attention from professors and a tight-knit community atmosphere.

California University of Pennsylvania rounds out the safety school options with its acceptance rate above 90%. Known for its excellent programs in education, criminal justice, and exercise science, Cal U provides strong career preparation and numerous internship opportunities. The university also offers various online programs, adding flexibility for students with different learning preferences.

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